Media Center
Fresno Chaffee Zoo values its relationships with all media outlets. With such great media partners, we are able to work together to spread our education and conservation messages to other like-minded partners and families. If you would like to be added to our media list to receive press releases, please contact the Marketing Department at marketing@fcz.org.
Fresno Chaffee Zoo reserves the right to select media partners whose demographics and subject matter coincides with the Zoo’s mission.
Media Kit
If you are interested in requesting a Fresno Chaffee Zoo media kit for your press room or organization, please email requests to the Marketing Department at marketing@fcz.org.
Non-Commercial/Commercial Photography & Videography Guidelines
Thank you for your interest in Fresno Chaffee Zoo!
All guests are welcome to take photographs and videos of their experience for personal use only. For all personal use photos and videos taken at Fresno Chaffee Zoo, we ask that guests review our Non-Commercial/Personal Photography & Videography Policies. While an application is not needed for non-commercial photography and videography projects, Zoo admission is required.
If you are interested in using Zoo facilities for a commercial project, we are pleased to consider your request for your photography or videography project. Please review our Commercial/Non-Profit Photography & Videography Policies and fill out the accompanying application.
All applications must be submitted to Fresno Chaffee Zoo’s Marketing Department at least 2 weeks in advance of the requested project date. Send applications via email to marketing@fcz.org with the subject line: “[Organization Name] – Commercial/Non-Profit Project Application.” No project will be approved without a completed application.
If you have any questions about your project or application, please email marketing@fcz.org.